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Call for Papers


NB: The deadline for paper submission has now passed

Submissions to the Late-Breaking / Demo session are open until July 31, 2010.

Click here for the pdf version of the call for papers.

Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in all areas of latent variable analysis and signal separation, including but not limited to:
Theoretical frameworks: probabilistic, geometric & biologically-inspired modeling; flat, hierarchical & dynamic structures; sparse coding; kernel methods; neural networks
Models: linear & nonlinear models; continuous & discrete latent variables; convolutive & noisy mixtures; linear & quadratic time-frequency representations
Algorithms: blind & semi-blind estimation; identification & convergence conditions; local & evolutionary optimization; computational complexity; adaptation & modularity
Speech and audio data: source separation; denoising & dereverberation; CASA; ASR
Images: segmentation; fusion; texture analysis; color imaging; coding; scene analysis
Biomedical data: functional imaging; BCI; genomic data analysis; systems biology
Unsolved and emerging problems: causality detection; feature selection; data mining; control; psychology; social networks; finance; artificial intelligence; real-time applications
Resources: software; databases; objective & subjective evaluation procedures

Papers must be original and must not be already published nor under review elsewhere. Papers linked to a submission to SiSEC 2010 are highly welcome. The proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.


Please see here for the paper submission page



The Best Student Paper Award will distinguish the work of a PhD student with original scientific contributions and the quality of his/her presentation at LVA 2010. Eligible papers must be first-authored and presented by the PhD student during the Conference. Candidates will be asked to notify their participation on the submission form. A prize of 400 € offered by the Fondation Métivier will be awarded to the winner.



Some accepted papers will be selected for consideration for a special issue of the journal Signal Processing, edited by Elsevier, on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation. The authors of selected papers will be invited to propose extended invited papers to this special issue, which will undergo a second review process.